

Dear soulmate,

Not gonna lie.
I miss you. In every single way. You changed me in so many ways. I loved you in a thousand million ways, almost 4 years. Of course I miss every bit of you. Of course I'm missing your big blue eyes, your silhouette like poetry.
Of course your distance hurts me.
Honey, it's not that I want to forget you. It's that I HAVE to. Nothing could hurt me most but... listen, I'm not a quiter, but you were just so far away I didn't know what to do. I was so vulnerable.
I want to believe you didn't know about my true feelings. I know you didn't hurt me in purpose. But I just couldn't handle it anymore. It was just so much pain, so many tears, my heart was so broken (still is!)
What could I do, baby? What would you do, if you were me, if you were in my very skin? Would you tell me you loved me? Could you say a word? Would you come here?
I know there's no way you can possibly love me, but I'd like to know, anyway.
Darling, I still care. I still want to run to you everytime life goes mad. I still want you by my side, everyday. In three words, I love you. In four words, I still love you.
However, deep down, I know I have to let you go. I got to let you free.
At least... for now, love.

Love, Rita

«Hard not to fight for what you want, but give up what one loves most. I gave up. But do not think it was for not having the courage to fight, but not for most to suffer." (Bob Marley)

2 comentários:

  1. My dear...
    Acho que já tomaste a decisão e sabes que te apoio, como já te disse, e penso que é uma boa decisão. Tu tens aí uma parte de ti, uma parte da tua vida, presa da qual não consegues avançar e precisas de te soltar.... Precisas que essa parte de ti voe.

    Apenas te quero deixar aqui uma frase de um livro que eu gosto, e que penso que vais perceber o que ela significa:
    "I don't believe in soul mates, not exactly. I think it's ridiculous to think there's only one person out there for us. What if your 'soul mate' lives in Zimbabwe? What if he dies young? I also think 'two souls becoming one' is ridiculous. You need to hold onto yourself. But I do believe in souls being in sync, souls that mirror each other." Sonya Karp in Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

    E por último... Ainda há muito por aí, acredita que há :D
    Beijinhos amiga****

  2. e obrigada pelos teus lindos comentários :d


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